Chef-Approved Trick for Grilling Frozen Burgers to Perfection

Nothing says “summertime” quite like cooking up burgers on an outdoor grill. But let’s face it — not everyone has access to a trusty bag of charcoal and a lighter when those mid-day cravings start to hit. While the idea of cooking that frozen patty can be a bit intimidating, grilling them to perfection is actually a breeze — and chefs all around the world are all in agreement. With just a few simple tricks, you’ll be enjoying cookout-worthy burgers even on the hottest of days.
Preparation is Key
To get started, the key is to thaw the burgers prior to grilling. Take them out of the freezer, place them on a plate, and let them rest for a few hours. Do not microwave the burgers — the outside will cook faster than the inside, resulting in an uneven grilled patty. Plus, when the burgers thaw more slowly, they’ll have a juicier texture and will be more likely to stay together on the grill.
When your burgers are close to thawed but still chilly, heat up your electric grill to about 350-375°F. Make sure to lightly grease the grates with oil — this will help to keep the burgers from sticking to the surface. Place the burgers on the preheated surface and continue to heat for 10 minutes, flipping halfway through.
From there, it’s time to check in on the burgers — the ball is in your court to decide whether they should rest for a few more minutes or if they’re ready to serve. If you contact the burgers and press on them slightly with a spatula, the temperature should reach a safe internal temperature of 160°F and you’ll be good to go. If they’re still pink in the middle, they’ll need to stay on the grill for a few more minutes.
Once your burgers are cooked through, it’s time to start stacking on your favorite condiments and toppings. If you’re feeling creative, throw some sliced avocadoes, onions, pickles, and tomatoes on top and have a blast getting creative with your burgers.
Different Grills, Different Times
Different grills will naturally require different cooking times. For instance, a charcoal grill tends to run hotter than an electric grill, so if you’re grilling on the former, consider reducing cooking time and checking the burgers more often to prevent overcooking. It’s also important to note that the shape of your burgers matters — thicker patties will require longer cooking time than thinner ones. If you have a variety of patty thicknesses, grilling them separately is a good way to ensure even cooking.
Extra Tips and Tricks
Tip 1: Season your burgers! Even if you’re using pre-seasoned patties, there’s nothing like the addition of fresh herbs and spices. Consider sprinkling some garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, paprika, or other seasonings of your choice onto the burgers prior to grilling. The extra flavor will really take your burgers to the next level.
Tip 2: Be wary of sauces and condiments that contain sugar—these can easily cause your burgers to burn. Consider throwing on the toppings after the burgers are cooked to reduce the risk of a charred patty.
Tip 3: Don’t press the burgers down while they’re cooking — this will cause the burgers to shrink and release all the juices, resulting in a dry burger. Wait until the patty is almost done to flip it or press it down — the heat should be enough to cook your burgers evenly without the need to press.
Grilling frozen burgers may seem daunting, but it’s actually an easy way to get those summertime cookout vibes right in your own kitchen. Thanks to these tips, you’re now ready to master the art of grilling frozen burgers to perfection on your electric grill. So go ahead, grab some patties out of the freezer for an easy weeknight dinner, and enjoy!
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